Tuesday, October 15, 2013

La Chelita!

We have interviews with President today...with any luck he brought my package, if not it will be safe in the mission office until change meeting on Oct 16. 

This week was good. I think my nickname here is officially "La Chelita" is slang for "Little White Girl" just about everyone calls me that. Especially Mari, one of our investigators. Shes probably going to die when I leave, she loves us so much. She is part of the couple who's wedding we are planning, Im getting really excited for that day. 

We also have been finding some really amazing people to teach. And the sisters I am with are really becoming GREAT missionaries. I just feel good teaching with them and they are really starting to understand how to bring the Spirit to a lesson. Thats a very important skill to have. 

Im pretty excited because conference is next week. I'll probably be watching it in Spanish which Im kinda bummed about because its not the same without THEIR own voices. But either way I know it is going to be an awesome experience. I have some questions waiting to be answered and I'm sure I'll be thinking of more this week. You should all do the same...it makes the experience a thousand times better.  

WOW! Lots of news from home. For example, I hadn't even thought about the idea that football season had started again. I've been gone awhile eh? Good to hear that Nate is doing better, can't believe he is going to Alaska...thats nuts. 

Probably wont make Daddy feel any better but I didn't get to participate in the mud run either. Really though, I hope you will be doing them next year because I want to participate as I am  getting lots of practice...pretty much every night is a "mud run" in a skirt, as it rains and we sprint for the house. Its fun, but lets just say that I don't end the day looking as good as I started it. 

Zach, however, looks like he's getting pretty handsome...and tall...what the heck! I love the candid picture of Mom and him. And the group one at the end...he looks embarassed to be with you guys.Hehe. And since we're talking about pictures of the family...could you email me a family picture, maybe one we took up on the mountain during the trip to NH with the Patraikos. Thanks :) 

All my love.

Hermana Victoria Giossi

Doing a Service Project - Making Mashed potatoes in LARGE quantities