Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Good to hear things are looking up for Daddy. Also good to know that he still loves Mom...ALOT...even though she drags him all over creation for triathlons and other exciting races

I have not received my package yet. But I imagine it has something to do with the fact that before I got packages in 2 weeks because I went to the office every Tuesday. Now I probably wont be getting the package until October haha. The blessing of being here in San Miguel.

I cant believe Zach is getting so big and...mature...what? Will I even recognize him when I get home? Im sure Mom's happy about the Culinary Arts situation, now he can help with dinner. And maybe he can give me so cosmetology tips, I'm gonna need 'em.

This week went well here. We are working really hard and starting to see results. The members in this ward are amazing. I have felt more loved here than in any of my other areas. Yesterday we left with a member...He's really shy but he brought us to the houses of like 5 of his friends just to introduce us. And he even taught parts of the lesson with us. It was so cool. He was so excited to share his testimony with his friends and talk about the blessings he has received.

Also, I drank root beer. I haven't had root beer in a YEAR! I don't know if I have mentioned it but every Sunday we eat lunch with a ward family. Basically they are famous here in San Miguel and have a ton of money. And they treat us like royalty in their house. And yesterday they surprised us with ROOTBEER...I couldn't believe it...it was SO good! Really though the family is amazing. I am convinced that the reason they are so blessed is because they do so much to help others. The are currently helping us with a couple that we need to get married here. On Tuesday we received a phone call from them informing us that they would like to help with all the legal stuff necessary for the wedding so that the couple can be baptized if they so desire. It was the miracle we had been praying for.
How blessed are we to live in an age of miracles. And how amazing is it to know that we can be part of miracles in other peoples lives. I think of the woman who puts of the triathlon Mom did. She is the means of blessings the lives of so many other families. She provides them with small miracles.

I was reading this week the talk that President Uchtdorf gave to the young women in the April conference. He talked a lot about the plan of Salvation and how important we are to Heavenly Father. He said something that really impacted me. He mentioned that in the pre-mortal life "we had faith". I had never really thought about that before. Even when we lived in the presence of our Heavenly Father and we didn't need faith to know He existed we needed faith. Faith is an eternal principle. We had to have faith in His plan. We needed faith to come here to this earth, trusting that our Father would provide a way for us to return home again. He also encouraged us all to look around...all the people you see are valiant children of our Heavenly Father. Not only are they children of God, our brothers and sisters...but they were BRAVE. Brave enough to come here by faith, hoping that someday they would receive the gospel. As  those who know this gospel we have a great responsibility to share it. I know that ths gospel is true. I know that it is only through living gospel principles and participating in saving ordinances that we can return home again. I love my Savior and I know that He lives. I love this work and I know that it is the Great Work of the Lord. 

Love you and Pray for you always. 
Hermana Victoria Giossi
Photo: In the house...content with my rootbeer :)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Hermana Giossi,

    What a beautiful letter...thank you. I enjoy reading of your experiences, and am so glad you are working hard and enjoying the fruits of the greatest work on the face of this beautiful planet. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


    Brother Metro
