Monday, July 29, 2013

And I hope that when all is said and done I can say that I have given all I have to give and that I couldn't have given anymore of me.

Hey Hey Hey!

So Shelby told me about this Florida Trip thing...I'm impressed this is planned well in advance. She said we got the Presidencial Suit. It's a good thing I'll have a couple months before this trip or I am postive I would probably die from the culture shock. I'm very excited! 

Thank you for responding about Bruschii, I dont know why but I was really worried about the little guy. I am so happy to hear about how much Zach is growing and maturing...sounds like I am not even going to recognize him when I get home. Also, great to hear about the time you are spending with D and Jessica. Family is so important. It's one of the few things we take with us. I have faith that one day we will all be back in the church together again. 

Things are going really well here. We are working REALLY hard and are still seeing miracles. We have started a new way of teaching as a mission. It is a challenge because we have to change everything we have learned but it is definitely inspired of the Lord. When we trust in Him and teach by the Spirit it becomes so easy to indentify which people are prepared to receive the gospel and which need a little more time. I know that Heavenly Father prepares people everywhere. We have to responsibility to find those who are waiting for this message. I LOVE my calling. 

This week Carolina, Jossyline and Bryan Giron (sister, niece and nephew of Lizzeth) will be having their baptismal interview. Pray that everything goes well for them. They are all three so special. Special to me and special to our Heavenly Father. Carolina has made so many changes in her life in such a short amount of time, I have really witnessed a miracle in her. When I first met her and Lizzeth I did not think she would be getting baptized anytime soon because she had ALOT of changing to do. But she has done it. And she did it through the 3 keys to lifetime conversion. Reading, Praying and going to church. I have realized that if we are faithful in these three things we will never fall. We will receive strength beyond our own to change and endure...but if we fault just one we just wont have the strength. 

MariaTeresa one of our investigators from Miramonte sent Hermana Bowers and I an email this week. She still hasn't been able to get baptized but she is faithfully going to church, reading and praying constantly. She said that her "faith in Heavenly Father grows everyday". It brought tears to my eyes to know that even though she has not yet been baptized her life has changed. Then to top it off she informed us that she pays her tithing and fast offering faithfully. She says that she cannot wait to be an active member of the church and share her testimony with everyone! 

I really have been so blessed to watch the Lord work miracles in the lives of others. It is a special opportunity that Heavenly Father has blessed me with. I am so grateful to be a missionary. I love this work. I love my Savior. And I hope that when all is said and done I can say that I have given all I have to give and that I couldn't have given anymore of me. 

Thank you for your love. Your support. And for always encouraging me. 

Love you! 

Hermana Victoria Giossi

1 comment:

  1. Ay, hermanita. Palabras extremadamente lindas. Es obvio que hayas puesto to hombro a la lid, y que estes recibiendo ricas bendiciones por haber servido tan leal y fielmente. Que Dios te bendiga con bendiciones bellisimas!

    Hno. Metro
